About Our Church Are you looking for a church... ...where people are friendly and welcoming? ....where children and youth are involved? ...where Seniors are appreciated? ...where young families are nurtured? ...where adults find inspiration and fellowship? ...where Bible-based preaching addresses issues of everyday life?
Then CUMC is the place for YOU!
First Time Visitor?
You will find a beautiful sanctuary filled with friendly, welcoming Christians dressed casually and happy to be in the house of the Lord. Our music is a mixture of traditional hymns and more contemporary praise songs, accompanied by both piano and organ. While we practice the traditions of the United Methodist Church, our worship service is informal.
Our congregation consists of Christians of all ages, educational levels, and professions. On any given pew you will find those whose families were among the founders of CUMC more than 100 years ago seated next to those who have moved into the area in the past few years. As one newer member said, "We visited several churches, but the way that we were welcomed at Collinsville UMC made the decision easy. We have never attended a friendlier, more caring church."
Our members and attendees vary from long-time Methodists to former Baptists, Catholics, Episcopalians, and Presbyterians to brand-new Christians with no denominational ties to those who are simply searching for community, hope, purpose, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
What You Can Expect In our worship services:
You will find the congregation dressed casually. The atmosphere of our service is reverant and worshipful without being stuffy or intimidating.
Our music ministry mixes traditional hymns with more contemporary praise choruses, and our talented members share their talents freely through choir specials, solos and duets.
Our prayer ministry involves intercession for the concerns of the congregation, the community, and our world as well as gratitude to God for our abundant blessings. At the close of each service, the altar rail is open for any who wish to kneel and pray privately or with the pastor for individual concerns. Children are a special part of our worship service. Young children are welcome in our services, but there is a well-equipped nursery available as well.
Bro. Ron's sermons are Biblically based with real-world application to the issues of 21st century life. Filled with inspiring stories and practical examples, each sermon is thought-provoking and provides the congregation with opportunities to apply the message to their daily experiences.
Holy Communion is observed on the 1st Sunday of each month.
In our Church School classes:
February 17, 2025 SUNDAY WORSHIP TIMES Sunday School: 9:30 AM Worship Service: 10:30 AM
Fellowship Hall: Youth Group: 5:30 PM Contemporary Service: 6:30 PM
Contact Information: Pastor: 601-507-3973 Church Office: 601-626-8382 collinsvilleumc@comcast.net
About CUMC Come to the About Us section to meet our staff and find out what we're all about!
What is the UMC? Find out about the United Methodist Church in America and the history of this wonderful organization on our UMC page. Members Login |